I haven't started any substantial work on "Splash Page", but I think I know where I want to go with it. I'll get my final exam paper out of the way and be in the clear for the rest of the month to do what I want. I wont have school-related responsibilities to deal with for an entire month. It's such a novel feeling!
I've been feeling the urge to sketch and paint, but I think it's just me trying to distract myself from working on a story. I'm very good at finding such distractions. It's been fun to experiment with a new creative media and all, but I know I'll never be anything but an amused amateur smearing charcoal all over my desk.
I'm developing a taste for classical music and poetry. Is this a sign of greater maturity, or am I just getting old? Ovid and Ezra Pound are rocking my world right now, and I've been on the hunt for a cheap (but complete) edition of T.S. Eliot's poetry. Now that I want one my bookstore is out of stock. Grr. I've learned that Aaron Copeland's music doesn't do it for me, but Bruckner is pretty freaking fantastic. And Chopin, combined with the recent rainy weather, makes me want to snuggle on my couch with a cat, a cup of hot chocolate, and a book for the rest of my life. I may be turning into a snob in addition to being a recluse. I will never be seen in public again.
December is the month of madness. I don't know why we do this to ourselves. I'm going to go home, make brownies for the family dinner party tonight, and read until I go to bed. Tomorrow I'll spend getting my Christmas crafting in order, and the next few weeks (once I'm finished with that paper) I'll spend making one project after another, including - hopefully- "Splash Page".